When you look at the prescription for your eyeglasses, do you find the numbers confusing?
You ask a lot from your eyes. You use them for up to 18 hours a day to see near, far and in between. So it’s no wonder that they can get tired. That’s why they need an occasional break.
Most folks think of their prescription glasses to be a fashion statement and a reflection of their personal style.
There are many aspects of a comprehensive eye examination that are critical to assessing a patient’s vision and overall health.
Your eyes are as unique as you are. Just as no two people are the same, not one pair of eyes is the same as another.
Have you had your annual eye exam?
Many of us associate tears with experiencing sadness or joy.
It’s not unusual for anyone to develop a stye in his (or her) eye. Perhaps you have noticed that someone appears to have a small pimple-like bump that is on his eyelid.
The planet Earth is full of beautiful colors, from vivid reds to deep purples to lush greens.
Some parents are not aware of the fact that their very young children can have or develop eye problems. Amblyopia—informally called “lazy eye”—can be one of those disorders.
People wear sunglasses—without or with a prescription—for a variety of reasons. “Shades” connote social coolness, dampen sun glare, and suggest power, prestige and mystique.
Many people who wear sunglasses find it very inconvenient when they must frequently go between environments that are brightly lit—outdoors, for example—to places that aren’t nearly…