Have you ever wondered about what gives your eyes their color? Or what part of the eye is colored? And which eye colors are the most, and least, common?
Have you noticed that you’ve been squinting more than usual lately?
An optometrist is quite versatile in the world of primary health care for the eye!
If your eyes don’t make enough tears to stay wet, or if your tears don’t hang around long enough to keep your eyes moist, you’re not alone with this bothersome condition.
If you rely on eyeglasses every day, you want them to serve you well and last long time.
Autumn is the favorite time of year for so many of us. And why not?
The kids are back in school and already preparing for their first exams of the Fall semester.
Each of your eyes is a complicated system of membranes, lenses, ducts, liquids and other components that work together to create your ability to see.
Your eyes contain delicate and complicated parts. The pair you’re born with are supposed to last your whole life.
When contact lenses became available more than 50 years ago, they were a hit with people who disliked wearing eyeglasses.
People who wear glasses want their eyewear to supplement their style.
If you haven’t already had a stye, you’ve probably seen them on other people. Styes are sensitive, red, swollen bumps on the rim of your eyelids.
You may be surprised to learn that one million Americans are legally blind (also referred to as having “low vision” or being “impaired vision”).
It’s summer and many of us will spend hours keeping cool by splashing around in pools, hot tubs, sprinklers and other swimming facilities that use chlorine.
Americans spend an average of seven hours staring at a screen each day.
Blinking has worked its way into the vernacular in a number of ways, from something occurring “in the blink of an eye,” to an out-of-commision refrigerator being “on the blink.
“The eyes are the window to the soul” is an often-quoted phrase that relates to our eyes providing clues about our true character.
Many people have heard the word “astigmatism” but aren’t sure what it means. In a perfect world, everyone’s eyeball is precisely round.
There are many conceptions and misconceptions about the best ways to protect your eyesight and about the habits that are most harmful.
Tears get a bad rap. They’re often seen as signs of sadness, weakness or loneliness. In truth, they should be welcomed with joy because of the many positive effects they have on our eyesight.
Many of us take our eyesight for granted, even though we rely on it to process and navigate the world around us.
Your eye health and vision play an important role in your overall quality of life.
As open-air temperatures begin to rise, so do the amounts of time that people spend in the great outdoors—often in environments that are bright, hot, humid and riddled with sun glare.
Lots of people aren’t aware of all of the numerous ways that the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays can harm their eyesight.
The sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays harm eyes. That’s why many people choose eyeglasses that have polarized lenses.
Headaches are among the most common health complaints, and there are many possible causes for them.
Too many people whose use eye drops don’t realize that they’re making the wrong choice for their particular condition.
You’ve probably heard of ultraviolet rays, otherwise known as UV rays. And perhaps you’ve heard they can be harmful to your skin.
Eyesight is one of our most important senses. Think about how hindered your life would be without it.
Rock star Elton John was a trailblazer back in the 1970s when it came to expressing himself with his outrageous eyewear.
Numerous eye conditions require people to recurrently put medicinal drops into their eyes.